By complete chance I stumbled on an article by the son of an amateur radio operator with absolutely chilling revelations.
My father chose technology over me
The heading of the article could not be more poignant in today’s world of distracting electronics, let alone amateur radio gear.
He was obsessed with a HAM radio and spent his time talking to nameless others instead of me. I see him in so many of today’s phone-addicted parents.
A nervous look in the mirror
Needless to say I spent a gripping moment or two relating this with my relationship to my youngest son. Thankfully I wasn’t “Murray” who appears to have spent every waking free moment tucked away in the radio room doing everything except be with his family. I’m not like Murray, but not guiltless either.
Reflection on life balance
It’s easy to lose one’s self in life’s various distractions. This is often at the cost of interpersonal relationships that involve senses beyond sight and hearing.
My son is 16 now and is at a critical social structural age. Thankfully his social life has been built on solid relationships with both family and friends. It is a grave mistake to take any of this for granted. I need to up my game and interact more eagerly with my son at this pivotal moment. Ham radio, my blogging, paying the bills, etc. are all important. It is the methodical person who can strike the right balance, still be there for his child and, perhaps, teach them something important about maintaining balance.
We likely all know a ham or two who is a little too glued to his shack chair. More humbling is the notion many more people are a little too glued to their electronic persona manifested by their electronic devices. Despite the higher technical requirements of ham radio, operationally the two are creepily similar. The wise will recognize when they step over the line, rein in and moderate their lust for distractions.
The article is a canary in the coal mine of losing control to technology.

Image licensed from ShutterStock/Marcos Mesa Sam Wordley