LFA Yagi Antenna in Copper
This is a photo album showing various steps I took in preparing 1/2 inch copper pipe for my version of the G0KSC Loop Fed Array (LFA) Yagi-Uda antenna.
This antenna is a reasonably portable three element Yagi-Uda for Field Day use.
Why Copper
One particularly noteworthy reason I like using copper over aluminum is the consistent diameter of the rectangular loop… 90 adapters being the one exception. This makes using NEC2 for calculations more likely to produce correct answers. Justin’s (G0KSC) approach in his aluminum assembly uses slightly smaller tubes along the loop sides. There is nothing at all wrong with this technique. As Justin correctly warns, NEC4 is the better tool to use when simulating elements with changing diameters.
Another reason for copper is the solid feel of a soldered assembly.
Lastly, copper ages remarkably well and eventually blends in to tree background in time.
LFA Copper Tubing Preparation
The following many pictures are just moments in time as I spent an enjoyable June afternoon underneath the trees creating something from home center parts. Note, this post only covers the preparation of the copper elements for my LFA. The arrangement onto a boom is for another post.