Copper 6m Coplanar LFA Yagi-Uda

Azimuth Plots of LFA Yagi-Uda with and without feedline

The Coplanar Loop Fed Array (LFA) Yagi-Uda design from G0KSC provides an excellent design foundation for an all copper version of a 3 element 6m balunless beam with superior front to back performance. Shown are comparisons between model simulations and prototype measurements.

Geo. Coordinate Transmission Efficiency

Time to send geographic coordinates

What’s the best format to send your geographic coordinates using Morse Code? Degrees, Degrees-Minutes, Degrees-Minutes-Seconds, Grid Squares? We take a look at the various formats and use a stopwatch to measure the send time.

Installing Ground Rods the Easy Way

Impact Drill the Rod by KJ4FAJ and brother

Ground Rods… so easy a pre-teen can do it. Presented is a method learned from other hams on how to install a ground rod with minimal or no hammering. Using a watering can, even children can sink an 8 foot ground rod into the ground. All it takes is water and time.

HALLICRAFTERS SX-28A – Smoldering . . . _ _ _ . . .

Hello everyone, I have been getting back into radio after a 16 year ‘sabatical’, and I could really use your help, as last night’s events have kept me awake all night………. I bought a Hallicrafters Super Skyrider SX-28AU (the U is the model with the optional 230V power supply) 2 weeks ago. I paid Top … Read more

Virginia Summits On The Air

After some Virginians volunteered to research the mountain peaks in the Commonwealth and see which ones are sufficiently prominent to qualify for the Summits on the Air (SOTA) program, we now, as of Feb 1, 2011 have 542 peaks from which to operate a ham station.

If you are a hiker and a ham, the Summits on the Air award program is for you. Originally organized in England, SOTA has become very popular in Europe for both hikers and summit collectors. Operators in the United States have caught on; Volunteers are working feverishly to add US peaks to the growing number of valid SOTA summits.

Virginia is now proudly represented in the W4 area.

Check out the Virginia peaks right here in this web domain.

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