UHF connector improvements
Cutaway examinations, mathematical calculations, VNA measurements and proposed compensation techniques round out a nice article by W0QE about the UHF connector.
Antennas, experiments, engineering and other articles of interest to radio folks.
Cutaway examinations, mathematical calculations, VNA measurements and proposed compensation techniques round out a nice article by W0QE about the UHF connector.
Is a dipole antenna defined by its behavior alone or also how one energizes it? The answer exists in IEEE and historical literature.
A Youtube video by “Monty” Montgomery explains and demonstrates digitization concisely and expertly.
All, The time has come to change the way this web site operates and considering removing the ads plus completely revamping the format to include support for portable devices. I would never go the route of some web sites with numerous pop up ads and other very disruptive behaviors. However, the revenue from advertising continues … Read more
The venerable National Semiconductor dc motor controller IC combines with a modern PICAXE micro-controller to provide one-knob tuning control of a small loop antenna.
Two examples of square aluminum RF power splitters built from 1973 plans reveal a 15 MHz difference from the claimed design frequency.
Is packet radio enjoying a revival? The continuing availability of traditional gear plus a surprising list of brand new TNC equipment suggests it may.
My Kenwood TM-D710A microphone (Model MC-59) is producing crackling and intermittent, poor audio so I took a peak inside to have a look around.
A savvy ham performs testing on the UHF Connector and compares with BNC and N connectors.
Think your WiFi mod habit is safe? Perhaps not with the latest proposals from the FCC.
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Real measurements of a Slim Jim antenna and traditional j-pole antenna reveal the truth about their respective gain and pattern.
With components from a variety of vendors, custom machining and a bit of trial and error, another variant of a small loop HF antenna is born.
The AHVD, Small Loop antenna and some of the usual tailgate “stuff” was made ready for inspection at the Berryville hamfest.
Hear ye o wielders of the electro-magnetic magic, the chronicles of KYPN doth transcribe packet radio that serveth thine brethren yet toucheth the Internet not.
Using the ARRL field day test message to compare RTTY, PSK and MFSK digital modes.
Station #6 of the ATGP using modest gear and within a comfortable shelter.
Despite a weak battery and few contacts, our 1B-Battery effort verifies a 40m small-loop and packet-radio NTS messaging using quick deploy antennas.
Observations from the Virginia QSO Party confirm simulation results concerning horizontal antennas and NVIS propagation.
The J-Pole antenna’s long and storied design history is due for one more chapter to mitigate the longstanding mast current and reliability issues.
The origins of two Virginia QSO Party awards: one for club, the other for single operator.